HERpulse Auto - consumer insights report

Are Media’s HERpulse report takes a regular read of how our female audiences are thinking and feeling.

We take the pulse of over 700 women, aged 25-64, and with the latest version we have taken a special deep dive into the Automotive industry to understand her role in the car purchase and ownership journey. We share our insights with our advertisers to help them better connect with Australian women and their thoughts and feelings right now.

Below is a snapshot of the key findings from the latest surveys. Feel free to get in touch to request a bespoke presentation with further insights that could benefit your brand and guide your marketing strategy.

Women are confident and informed when buying cars

yet brands are still falling short.

Despite the fact that women are confident and informed car buyers, brands are failing to effectively connect with them with only a third finding car ads persuasive in helping them determine which brands to consider when buying a car.

She is open to buying hybrid and electric vehicles

With the increasing focus on environment and sustainability she is open to considering more environmentally friendly engine options with 43% likely to consider a hybrid and just over 1 in 3 likely to consider an electric vehicle. Despite her interest in these alternatives there are many barriers that still need to be overcome such as price, range and knowledge levels.

The majority of women only consider 1-3 brands

59% of women only consider 1-3 brands at the research stage. Considering the large variety of vehicles in the market, it is critical that brands find a way to effectively connect with her and win a place in her consideration set before she has even begun her purchase journey.

Get in touch to see the findings

Contact the brands and commercial solutions team

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